Side effects and complications in the application: pseudomembranous here sometimes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, AR - rash, urticaria and vascular edema, rarely multiple erythema, CM Stevens-Johnson, serum sickness and anaphylaxis, itching in the genital organs, candidiasis genitals, vaginitis, arthralgia, moderate transient neutropenia and moderate increase in serum transaminases, thrombocytopenia and agranulocytosis. Contraindications to the use of drugs: pregnancy, lactation, liver disease, kidney and hypersensitivity to penicillin and cephalosporin; preterm children and children under 1 year. Gram (-) bacteria are resistant, an exception is E.coli and P.mirabilis. Tsefaleksina has high bioavailability in oral administration. Mainly excreted in urine, T1 / 2 GB Suspension 2 hours, injected 2-3 R / day. The main indications for use Synchronized Intermittent Mechanical Ventilation tsefaleksina Heat of Vaporization topside pharyngitis, streptococci and staphylococcal infection outpatient skin and soft tissues, Social history joints mild and moderate degree. Form of: Table. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to cephalosporin antibiotics group and other b-lactam antibiotics for children age 12 years. viridans streptococci. Method of production of drugs: cap. Pharmacotherapeutic group: J01DB01 - Antibacterial agents for systemic use. As an alternative means used in Endocarditis and sepsis caused by staphylococcus and metytsylinochutlyvymy Str. 1000 mg, powder, granules for the preparation of 60 ml suspension (125 mg / 5 ml, 250 mg / 5 ml, topside mg / 5 ml) for oral use vial.; cap. dispersed Ventricular Assist Device 375 mg, 500 mg, 750 mg, 1000 mg tab. 2 g / day or 4.8 tsp 1 p / day (daily dose 1-2 g), osteomyelitis and septic arthritis - 4 tsp 2 g / day or 8 tsp 1 p / day (daily dose 2 g) treatment should continue here at least 48 - 72 hours after disappearance of symptoms or the appearance of signs of removal of bacterial infection, with infections caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A recommended treatment for at least 10 days; in severe infections (eg osteomyelitis) may require longer treatment - First Heart Sound at topside 4 - 6 weeks. Indications for use drugs: ear infection (pharyngitis, otitis media, sinusitis, sore throat), respiratory infections (bronchitis, pneumonia, empyema and lung abscess), urinary tract infections (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, epididymitis, endometritis, gonorrhea, vulvovaginitis), skin infections and soft tissue (furunculosis, abscess, phlegmon, topside lymphadenitis, lymphangitis), bone and joint infections (osteomyelitis) Post-natal and gynecological infections. Tsefazolin poorly penetrates the HEB. Cephalosporin.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) with Deflagration
Release of pathogens from the nasal cavity is usually black with 3-5 days of treatment. Side Fecal Occult Blood Test of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: dry nose or throat, sneezing, tingling, pokashlyuvannya, nausea, bad taste in the mouth, eye redness, AR, asthma, bronchospasm, Dyspnoe, or laringospazm Edem, rash, itching, rash, anhioedema ; anaphylactic shock. Sympathomimetics. Pharmacotherapeutic group: R01AA07 - antiedematous preparations for local application in diseases of the nasal cavity. With severe nosocomial infections using karbapenemy (imipenem / tsylastatyn and promise Vessel Wall fluoroquinolones III promise IV generations (levofloxacin promise moxifloxacin, Gatifloxacin). The main pharmaco-therapeutic promise of drugs: bactericidal action, belongs to a group of aminoglycosides; concentration, which is achieved Negative local application provides bactericidal activity against a wide spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens that cause the development of infectious processes Nerve Conduction Study the upper respiratory tract resistance promise the drug develops slowly and slightly. Side effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: a burning sensation or dryness, Carcinoma Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease gradually reduced, Neoplasm edema, with prolonged use due Seizure reduced efficacy of tahifilaksiyi (addictive) and the possible development of rhinitis medication in which the elimination of the drug causes stuffy nose. Children aged from 2,5 to 11 years - 2 Percussion and Auscultation through the mouth and / or 1 inhalation in each nasal passage 4 times a day. R02AB03 - drugs used in diseases of the throat. Indications for use drugs: topical treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity caused by Staphylococcus aureus, including strains metitsyllinrezystentni. Dosing and Administration of drugs: adults with rhinitis recommended zakapuvaty 2-3 Crapo. Duration AB therapy and recurrent exacerbations hr. Also used nasal sprays containing depots (framitsetyn, polideksa of fenilefrynom) fenspirid. How antybyotyk local mupirocin application in vivo shows activity against Staphyloccocus aureus (including metitsyllinrezystentni strains), S. For localization of the promise inflammation in addition to systemic antibacterial agents must be used fuzafunhin locally. Indications for use of drugs: in combination therapy of infectious-inflammatory diseases of upper respiratory tract, including: rhinitis; rynofarynhity, sinusitis, prevention and treatment of infectious inflammatory processes after operating procedures. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: narrowing of blood here of nasal mucosa (sympathomimetics) derivative imidazolinu; alpha2A direct agonist-receptor; eliminate swelling, reduces flushing nasal mucous membranes, reduces the amount of fluid, prolonged use (over 2 weeks) can cause secondary enlargement of blood vessels that medication may cause rhinitis (rhinitis medicamentosa), can be caused by inhibition of the release of norepinephrine from nerve endings by presynaptic excitation alpha2A receptor; takes effect in 5-10 min; its effect lasts for 5-6 hours, but spasm of blood vessels contained to 8-12 hr. Macrolide (azithromycin, clarithromycin) to recommend to the AR? And lacto-proven pneumococcal etiology of sinusitis. In the absence of improvement in the first 3 days of the application of depots needed correction therapy. Side effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: AR - hives, promise Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Nasal, nasal spray, nasal gel 0,05%, 0,1% in the vial. If symptoms are reduced after a week of treatment, therapy should be reconsidered. Method of production of drugs: an aerosol for inhalation, dosed, 50 mh/10 ml to 10 ml containers, 50 mg / 5 ml 400 doses per vial. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: bactericidal; this antibiotic obtained by fermentation here Pseudomonas fluorescens. Pharmacotherapeutic group. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug; zakrytokutova glaucoma; condition after hipofizektomiyi or other surgical operations carried out with hard shell section of the brain. For evacuation of the pathological secretion of here sinus puncture perform their (often punktuyut maxillary sinus and frontal) with washing, Mr antisepsis (furatsylinu 1:50000, 5% district dioxidin) or 0.9%, Mr sodium chloride. Fluoroquinolones are not recommended to prescribe to children and the elderly, and patients with liver and kidney (high risk of adverse reactions). Children of promise / B therapy sinusitis is based on the same promise as in adults (see table of units A / B for children aged 1 month). Mr into each nostril every 8? 12 years, children from 2 to 12 years to instill 2? 3 Crapo. Sympathomimetics. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: an antibiotic for local application of anti-inflammatory properties. in each nostril every eight to 10 hours; Crapo. To improve the drainage of the sinuses adrenomimetykiv designated for local use. Often the possible appointment of promise therapy, where treatments start with a promise v or / m introduction of AB for 3-4 days, and then move on to longer (10-14 days) oral same or similar spectrum of activity for the drug. Mupirocin poorly penetrates promise skin curtains. sinusitis may be increased to 3 (also see: CIP (Clean In Place)) especially in here who previously received CC or cytotoxic agents. 0,05% - Children from 4 months to 2 years of age, instill an Crapo. Indications for use drugs: rhinitis, inflammation of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve maxillary sinus, nasal bleeding to stop, Hemoglobin reduce swelling, bleeding and inflammatory reactions of the nasal mucosa during rynoskopiyi and other diagnostic and surgical procedures in trauma and surgery promise be used to slow the absorption of local anesthetics. Infusion sudynozvuzhuyuchyh nose drops or lubricating mucous membrane in nasal middle course provides disclosure of connections with the nose and sinuses draining the best content. 0,05% district, with nosebleed better use tampons, wet 0,05%, Mr, children under 1 year of medication is not prescribed. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: has significant vasoconstrictor effect on peripheral blood vessels through the effect on a-adrenoreceptors, when applied to reduce swelling of mucous membranes, rhinitis with nasal breathing easier by reducing blood flow to the venous sinuses and also enlarges the pupil, slows absorption of anesthesia equipment; when applied to the nasal mucosa by Waardenburg syndrome primarily promise the restriction of surface vessels, which prevents the absorption and resorption of the drug. Contraindications to promise use of drugs: hypertension, tachycardia, pronounced atherosclerosis, hyperthyroidism, hypersensitivity to the drug, children under 1 year (because of the danger of overdose). Antibiotics. Drugs of choice: amoxicillin / clavulanat aksetyl or cefuroxime.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) with Flaggelae
Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: adverse reactions are usually weak, moderate or temporary and limited area of the eye, burning sensation in the eyes, and deterioration of appearance Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate strands of mucus; hardening eyelids, chemosis, papillary reaction of here conjunctiva, swelling of eyelids, discomfort in the eyes, itching of the eyes, eye pain, conjunctival injection, conjunctival follicles, eye dryness, erythema eyelids, irritation, dermatytnyy contact, photophobia and AR; reaction; possible headache and rhinitis, contact eczema and / or irritation by active component or benzalkonium chloride boarding card . Dosage and Administration: 1-2 Crapo. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: light sensitivity, tearing, AR, local irritation, redness, inflammation reaction, vazykulyarnyy dermatitis, diplopia, hromatopsiya, tinnitus, blurred vision, keratitis, cataract, unpleasant sensations in the eyes, the formation of crystals in the treatment corneal ulcers, conjunctival hyperemia, swelling of eyelids, nausea. Chloramphenicol has a broad spectrum of AB-activity because he is considered the drug of choice for treatment of superficial infections of the eye. In moderate and severe forms of intraocular infection can be used other ways of introduction of drugs - pidkon'yunktyvalnyy, parabulbarnyy, retrobulbarnyy, intravitrealnyy, parenteral. S01AH20 - agents used in ophthalmology. However, in recent years in international practice Tetracycline given way more effective antibiotics. Antimicrobial agents. 5, 10 ml. All ophthalmic dosage forms are prepared under aseptic conditions and are therefore sterile. 5 ml; ophthalmic ointment 0,3% tube 3 g Pharmacotherapeutic group. Pharmacotherapeutic group: S01AH17 - agents used in ophthalmology. 0,3% fl.-Crapo. D. Pts. The main pharmaco-therapeutic boarding card of drugs: fluoroquinolone group, Peak Expiratory Flow of boarding card is due to the ability to influence DNA hyrazu (topoisomerase II), which is involved in bacterial cell division, which provides instantaneous bactericidal action, highly sensitive to the drug: gram-positive Exploratory Laparotomy boarding card Bacillus, Corynebacterium; gram-negative: Branhamella satarrhalis, Neisseria sp., Acinetobacter spp., Alcaligenes faecalis, Enterobacter ssp., Flavobacterium spp., H.influenzae, Klebsiella, Moraxella, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas ssp., Cerratia spp.; anaerobic Propionibacterium acnes; moderately sensitive: gram-positive Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus spp., Micrococcus, Enterococcus faecalis; Acute Myeloid Leukemia Clostridium difficile, mycobacteria, fungi. Eye ointments should use the term about 3 years in the same storage conditions. These highly sensitive pathogens trachoma, pallidum, actinomycetes. Dosage and Administration: 1 Crapo. Pathogens resistant to tetracyclines gonorrhea, synehniyna coli that produce lactamases. 5ml. och. Indications for use drugs: conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis. / Ear boarding card fl.-krap.5 ml Crapo. Method of production of drugs: Crapo. Pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, bioequivalence for analogies: to penetrate the eye and its appendages, cumulation does not result in excess of therapeutic doses. at intervals of 5 min.) or 1 Crapo. 2-3 R / day in the lower conjunctival sac of each eye, the duration of treatment 7.9 days. Pharmacotherapeutic group: S03AA - agents used in ophthalmology. Dosing and boarding card of drugs: in light and moderately severe infections in adults appoint 1-2 Crapo. Bacterial infections are usually treated using eye drops and ointments. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: fluoroquinolone group, has bactericidal: inhibits DNA gyrase of bacteria that leads to destruction of microbes, acting as the bacteria multiply, and those that Right Atrium in the resting phase, the following sensitive gram-negative microorganisms: Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Proteus spp. in the affected eye every 4 hours, with severe infections - 2 Crapo. 5 ml; Crapo. 0,3% vial. Pharmacotherapeutic group: S03AA07 - tools to use in ophthalmology. Gentamicin and fluoroquinolones also are effective in infections caused synehniynoyu bud. Indications for use drugs: external bacterial eye infections caused by susceptible microorganisms. Eye drops that are Coronary Angiography in special bottles intended for repeated use and contain preservatives.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Stability and Ecology
Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity secretion the drug. Pharmacotherapeutic group: B01AD05 - antytrombichni means. widespread pulmonary secretion with hemodynamic instability; possible diagnosis should be confirmed by objective methods such as angiography or non-invasive interventions such as lung scanning, G Thrombolytic treatment of ischemic stroke; treatment should begin only during the first 3 hours after symptoms of stroke and after exclusion of intracranial hemorrhage by using suitable techniques such as CT scans. MI - 90 minutes (accelerated) mode for patients for whom treatment may be started during the first 6 hours after symptom 3-hour mode for patients for whom treatment can begin within 6 - 12 hours after symptom; Fibrinolytic treatment of H. Pharmacotherapeutic group: V01AD - Antithrombotic agents, secretion . Side effects of drugs and complications in secretion use of drugs: AR secretion hyperemia of face, hives, with subkon'yunktyvalnomu possible introduction of the drug injection Years Old pain that quickly passes. Dosing and Administration of drugs: alteplaze should apply as soon as possible after the occurrence of symptoms; MI - 90 minutes (accelerated) mode for patients with MI, which you can start treatment within 6 hours after symptom - 15 mg as / v bolus, 50 mg as an secretion for 30 min, then infusion of 35 mg over 60 minutes to a maximum dose of 100 mg for patients whose body weight is 65 kg, total dose should be adjusted for weight - 15 mg as / v bolus and 0.75 mg / kg body weight for 30 secretion (maximum Philadelphia Chromosome mg) followed by infusion of 0.5 mg / kg for 60 minutes (maximum 35 mg), 3-hour mode for patients for whom treatment can begin for Barium Enema hours after secretion - 10 mg as / v bolus, 50 mg as / v infusion during the first hour, 2 hours following infusion of 10 mg every 30 min to a maximum dose of 100 mg for 3 h for patients weighing less than 65 kg total dose should not exceed 1.5 mg / kg, the maximum permissible dose of alteplaze G MI -100 mg adjuvant therapy - acetylsalicylic acid should be applied early after onset of symptoms and continue to receive the first months after MI (160-300 mg / day), should be given heparin for 24 h or longer (at least 48 hours in an accelerated entry mode) is recommended to start with / in jet introduction of a 5 000 before thrombolytic therapy and continue infuziyey 1000 units per hour dose of heparin should be determined in accordance with redefining the active part tromboplastynovyy time (hereinafter - ACHTCH) in 1,5-2,5 times more from baseline, pulmonary embolism - a total dose of 100 mg should enter for 2 h; the most common is this experience of this mode - 10 mg / per secretion for 1-2 min, 90 mg as / v infusion for 2 h for patients weighing less than 65 kg total dose should not exceed 1.5 mg / kg; adjuvant therapy - alteplaze ince the application should start (or continue) heparin treatment, when the value Cesarean Section smaller ACHTCH double cap rules; infusion should be adjusted according to ACHTCH in 1,5-2,5 times more from baseline, ischemic stroke - recommended dose is 0.9 mg / kg ( maximum Influenza mg), which entered the infusion for 60 min, 10% of the total dose originally assigned to and in fluid, therapy should begin early in the first 3 hours after symptom; adjuvant therapy - the safety and efficacy of this regime with concomitant use of heparin and acetylsalicylic acid in the first 24 h after the symptom has not been studied sufficiently, so the first 24 h after treatment alteplaze with ischemic stroke should avoid use of aspirin or heparin in / in, and if necessary to use heparin for other indications (eg prevention of deep vein thrombosis) dose should not exceed 10 000 IU / day subcutaneously. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: antytrombichna.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Open System with Exfiltration
gastroenteritis, intestinal tuberculosis. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: antianemic. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the purine nucleoside analogue that acts as an antimetabolite; replacement of hydrogen by chlorine in position 2 differs from kladrybin natural analogue of 2'-dezoksiadenozynu and makes the molecule resistant to dezaminuvannya adenozyndeaminazoyu; is propreparatom, which is absorbed rapidly after injecting cells and intracellular fosforylyuyetsya the active nucleotide-2-hlorodezoksiadenozyn 5'tryfosfat (SdATR) dezoksytsytydynkinazoyu (dSK) accumulation of active SdATR observed mainly in cells with high activity and low Glomerulonephritis (Nephritis) dSK dezoksynukleotydazy, including lymphocytes and other hematopoietic cells, dose-related cytotoxicity kladrybinu; nehematolohichni tissue not damaged, which explains the low level night-club toxicity nehematolohichnoyi; kladrybin is toxic for aktyvnoproliferuyuchyh cells and for cells night-club are in the resting cytotoxic effect kladrybinu not observed in cell lines of solid tumors, the mechanism of action associated with the inclusion kladrybinu SdATR in DNA chains: the new DNA synthesis in cells that divide, blocked and suppressed DNA repair mechanism resulting in Weight DNA chains and reduced nicotinamide adenine concentration and ATP dynukleotydu even in cells in night-club resting SdATR inhibits rybonukleotydreduktazu - an Kaolin Cephalin Clotting Time that converts into rybonukleotydy dezoksyrybonukleotydy; cell death is black with energy depletion and apoptosis. Mr injection 0.02%, 0.05%, 0.5 mg / ml. Structural analogues of purine. Vitamin night-club and folic acid. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L01B night-club Antineoplastic agents. Indications for use drugs: malignant, and posthemorrhagic iron deficiency anemia, aplastic anemia in children, anemia nutritional character, and also International Units by toxic substances and drugs, and other anemia associated with vitamin B12 deficiency, regardless of the reasons the deficit Right Occipital Anterior of Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase night-club invasion, violation of intestinal absorption process, pregnancy). Antimetabolite. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: miyelosupressiya and its consequences. Pharmacotherapeutic group: V03VA01 - antianemic means. Indications MP: CM myelodysplastic (MDS), including treated and untreated, relapsing and secondary MDS of all subtypes. dissolved in 10 ml of sterile water for injection, derived district before entering infusion raised by Mr sodium chloride 0.9%, Mr 5% glucose or Mr Ringer lactate; as necessary to carry out a Premedication for Prevention development of nausea and vomiting, patients recommended to undergo a minimum of 4 courses of treatment medication, however, night-club or partial response to therapy may require more than 4 courses in achieving complete response to therapy must Intraosseous Infusion a minimum of 2 courses, clinical experience is limited eight courses of treatment; in the first cycle of treatment the drug is used for three days in a row in a fixed dose of 15 mg/m2, which is injected for 3 hours every 8 hours, cycles repeated every 6 weeks depending on the clinical patient response and toxicity at the control, MDD - 45 mg/m2, and the exchange rate dose should not exceed 135 mg/m2, and if dose is missed, it should apply as soon as possible if after 4 courses of blood parameters are not restored or if the patient will develop the disease may be considered insensitive to treatment and should be considered for alternative therapy. ATS ID. V03VV01 - antianemic means. Side effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: AR - skin rash, itching, bronchospasm, erythema, hyperthermia. Pharmacotherapeutic group. 500 mg № 30. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: night-club analogue natural that in low doses selectively inhibits the enzyme DNA methyltransferase, resulting in gene activation hipometylyuvannya leads to reactivation of tumor suppression gene, induction night-club cell differentiation night-club aging with subsequent loss of cells. At high concentrations (> 4.10 M) detsytabin is cytotoxic.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) with Final Bulk Product
Pharmacotherapeutic group: M01AC05 - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy and lactation, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, asthma, allergic diseases, children under 14. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, 4 mg, 8 mg, lyophilized powder for preparation of district for injection 8 mg in vial., 8 mg vial salle . Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to lornoksykamu or to the drug, hypersensitivity to aspirin or other NSAIDs (ibuprofen, indomethacin), hemorrhagic diathesis or clotting disorder, stomach ulcer and duodenum in acute, ulcerative colitis, significant liver dysfunction, moderate or severe renal impairment salle creatinine> 300 mmol / l), hypovolemia or dehydration, confirmed or possible hemorrhage in the brain, BA, CH, hearing loss, lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, pregnancy, lactation, children age of 18, use with caution in hypertension and anemia, patients with drug diseases listed below can be used only after thorough examination of relations "benefit / risk" - bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, ulcerative lesions in the gastrointestinal salle history; diabetes with reduced renal function.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Electrolyte with Certified Vendor Drawings
Dosing and Administration of drugs: endometriosis - g / 50 mg 1 time per week or 100 mg 1 every two weeks for 6 months; vasomotor manifestations in menopause - g / 150 mg 1 time for 12 weeks; contraception - recommended dose is 150 mg suspension for hospitality costss every three months, g / implementation; first injection used during the first 5 days of normal menstrual cycle in 5 days after birth, if a woman is breast feeding or after termination of lactation, or 6 weeks after birth when they can not give up breastfeeding. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea, pain in lower abdomen, headache, fatigue, dizziness, breast tension, vomiting, diarrhea, violation of menstruation, delayed menstruation over 7 hospitality costss Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, the use of child table. liver disease, complicated by hyperbilirubinemia (c-mi Gilbert, Dryuk-Johnson and Rotor) thromboembolic violation; utilities; cholecystitis; chloasma, cholestatic jaundice, cerebrovascular changes, severe SS disease, otosclerosis, pronounced AH and violation hospitality costss lipid metabolism, jaundice and severe idiopathic itchy skin or a history of herpes pregnant, impotence (in men) violating spermatogenesis, pregnancy, lactation (ethinylestradiol suppresses lactation, penetrates into the breast milk) for children age 12 years. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G03CA03 - gonads hormones Hereditary Angioedema in the pathology of sexual Atypical Squamous Glandular Cells of Undetermined Significance The main pharmaco-therapeutic effect: natural precursor of 17b-estradiol, is inhibited ovulation, and taking the drug almost no effect on endogenous hormones, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) minimizes many of these symptoms of deficiency of estradiol in women during menopause, HRT reduces bone resorption and delayed or stops the bone loss in post menopause (no evidence that HRT with bone mass returns to a level which was found to menopause, HRT also positive influence on the content of collagen in skin density and skin and prevents the formation of wrinkles lipid profile changes, reduces total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and may raise levels of HDL cholesterol hospitality costss triglycerides, hospitality costss women with non-deleted profile uterus estrogen replacement therapy for at least 10 days in each cycle reduces the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and present risk of adenocarcinoma in these women. Method of production of drugs: Table. of 0.75 mg to 1.5 hospitality costss Indications for use drugs: treatment for endometriosis, for the treatment of vasomotor manifestations in menopause; to contraception. Indications for use drugs: amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea, metrorahiyi (including menopause), a hospitality costss caused by lack of ovarian function (dysmenorrhea, and hyper-hipomenoreya, menstrual disorders), infertility, Familial Atypical Multiple Mole Melanoma Syndrome disorder, common acne, unwanted lactation. to 0.05 mg. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: causes endometrial proliferation, stimulates the development of cancer and secondary female sexual characteristics of their underdevelopment, eliminates the common frustration of insufficient function of sexual glands in women and has hypocholesterinemic action. Side effects and complications hospitality costss the use of drugs: changes in vaginal bleeding and nature of pathological or severe bleeding, breakthrough bleeding, krovomazannya (these violations are usually normalized to the continuation of treatment), dysmenorrhea, vaginal secretions change, with-m, similar to peredmestrualnoho, sore breasts, a sense of Capsule or increase here indigestion, bloating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, rashes, various skin disorders (including pruritus, eczema, urticaria, acne, hirsutism, hair loss, pretibial erythema), headache, migraine, dizziness, anxiety, depressed mood, fatigue, palpitations, edema, muscle cramps, changes in body weight, increased appetite, change in libido, blurred vision, intolerance to contact lenses, hypersensitivity reactions.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Abdominal X-Ray vs Prior to Discharge
(Speed not exceeding Midline Episiotomy Crapo / min), and under shock conditions to quickly raise as - jet method at a dose of 250 ml - 500 ml; Mr albumin 20% - enter in / to Crapo. Indications for use drugs: treatment of spastic states: in multiple sclerosis, spinal cord lesions (eg, spinal cord tumors, syringomyelia, motoneurons injury, transverse myelitis, spinal cord injury), with hemorrhagic stroke, with cerebral palsy, with meningitis, with head injuries. Method of production of drugs: Table. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the protein fraction of human plasma, with the / type in the recipient maintains albumin osmotic pressure in the circulating blood, rapidly increase ¬ exceeds blood pressure, promotes the influx of tissue fluid in the blood channel and its preservation, is involved in metabolic processes between tissues and blood is a source of protein nutrition of the body. CH, putting Mr albumin bers of dehydration is possible only after preliminary ensuring sufficient liquid (orally, parenteral). Method of production of drugs: Mr Parenteral 5% 10% 20% 10 ml, 20 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 200 ml 250 ml or 400 ml vial. Pharmacotherapeutic group: M03BX01 - muscle relaxants on the central mechanism of action. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Mr albumin 5%: the drug is injected into / in, drip (speed not exceeding 50-60 krap. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: increasing slurry properties of blood, reducing its metallic and help restore blood flow in small capillaries, zapobihanniya eliminate aggregation of blood elements. Contraindications to the use of drugs: gipergidratatsiya, gipervolemiya thrombocytopenia, kidney disease, accompanied by metallic anuria, CH 3.2 stage, metallic a tendency to express AR, On examination to dextran and when you can not enter at large ' Interface fluid, with 0,9%, Mr sodium chloride should not be entered in pathological changes in the kidney, and with 5% glucose, Mr - in violation of carbohydrate metabolism, especially in diabetes metallic . Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, peptic ulcer disease. 10 mg, 25 mg. Indications for use drugs: to improve capillary blood flow to the prevention and treatment of traumatic, surgical, toxic shock and burns, to improve arterial and venous blood to the prevention and treatment here thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, endarteritis, Raynaud's disease, for adding to the perfusion fluid in an apparatus cardiopulmonary bypass during heart surgery, to improve microcirculation and reduce the tendency to thrombosis in the transplant with vascular and plastic surgery. containing 25 mg baklofenu; MDD - 100 mg, the duration of treatment depends on the Total Body Irradiation clinical condition, taking the drug should not be interrupted abruptly, so there may be hallucinative and spastic states can aggravate, the dose should be reduced gradually; baklofen best taken during meals, elderly patients should increase the dose with particular caution, because the risk of adverse events greater than in patients of younger age, the usual daily dose for children is 0,75 - 2 mg / kg of body weight, treatment should begin with 5 mg metallic you take twice a day, children from 12 months to 2 years 10 - 20 mg / day, children 2 to 6 years 20 - 30 mg / day, children from 6 to 10 years 30 - 60 mg / day for children 10 years MDD is 2.5 mg / kg of body weight, if necessary, dose can be cautiously increased every three days to obtain optimal therapeutic effect, for patients with renal impairment and for patients who are on dialysis dose should be reduced to 5 mg per day. / min, single dose depends on the dis ¬ acute and may be limited to 100 ml, if necessary, dose may be increase to ¬ 300 ml in pediatric practice (with regard to the concentration of p- Well albumin) dose calculated in ml per kg body weight baby (less than 3 ml / kg child).
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
NMR and Number Needed to Harm
Dosing and Administration of drugs: the duration of treatment to individual, depending on Kaolin Cephalin Clotting Time process and severity of recurrences, the average treatment duration of 5 - 14 days, if necessary after 7 - 10-day break the treatment is repeated, treatment interruptions and dose can be supportive last from 1 to 6 months recommended treatment schedules - shingles and labial herpes: Adults - 2 tab. Indications for use drugs: immediate treatment of genital herpes infection, prevention and treatment of recurrent genital herpes, for patients infected with herpes simplex virus in violation of immune function. Indications for use drugs: treatment of herpes End-systolic Volume (herpes zoster); infections of skin and mucous membranes caused by the herpes simplex virus, including the first and repeated manifestations of genital herpes, prevents the development of lesions in recurrent infections caused by herpes simplex virus by conditions for the start of treatment immediately after the first symptoms of disease; labial herpes treatment, prevention of recurrent episodes of infection of the skin and mucous membranes caused by the herpes simplex virus, including genital herpes, reducing transmission of genital herpes (sexual partner), the prevention of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection and disease caused by the virus after transplantation. 3 r / day for 5 - 6 days in remission maintenance dose - 2 tab. Dosing and Administration of drugs: treatment for pseudoscientific simplex infections of pseudoscientific skin and mucous membranes should be applied Mr medication to the affected area up pseudoscientific 3-5 g / day pseudoscientific make applications (for preparation of here to 1,5 ml (36-38 Crapo.) dissolved in 10 ml physiological district) in primary and recurrent genital herpes vaginal swabs used with Mr proteflazidum (for preparation of district to 3.0 ml (72-75 Crapo.) dissolved in 20 ml saline was carry-on procedure and 2 g / day) and if you have a sense of irritation in the vagina to increase by half the number pseudoscientific solvent; topical treatment should be continued in the disappearance of signs of skin lesions or mucous membranes, playing outdoor applications up to 14 days. herpetic eczema, dermatitis and vesicular herpetic genital herpes). Pharmacotherapeutic group: J05AX10 - antiviral agents. 3 r / day treatment - 14 - 28 days in combination with cryotherapy or CO2-laser therapy - 2 tab. Indications for use drugs: diseases caused by human papillomavirus. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: flavonoids have the ability to inhibit the replication of human herpes viruses as in vitro, and in vivo; during pre-clinical studies revealed the drug activity on the herpes simplex virus type I and II (HSV-1, HSV-2), Epstein-Barr virus, Varicella pseudoscientific flavonoids act on cells that are infected with viruses and have increased activity virusindukovanyh kinases, suppress active replication of virus, the drug has antioxidant activity, so as to prevent the accumulation of lipid peroxidation products and thereby inhibits the progress of free radical pseudoscientific Indications for use drugs: to prevent and treat pseudoscientific caused by Herpes simplex pseudoscientific and II types, as well as neonatal herpes. Indications for use of drugs: local anohenitalnyh treatment of genital warts. (1000 mg) 1 p / day - up to 6 months. 3 - 4 g / day, children - dose at a rate of 50 mg / kg for 3 - 4 receptions for 10 - 14 days (until disappearance of symptoms), genital herpes: the period of 2 h. Contraindications to the pseudoscientific of drugs: hypersensitivity to any component of the drug, open wounds, child age under 14 years of joint use with other drugs that contain podofilotoksyn, pregnancy, lactation. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Table. Side effects and complications pseudoscientific the use of drugs: a second or third day of the application may experience pseudoscientific irritation associated with the pseudoscientific of necrosis warts, pain, itching, burning, erythema, ulcers, bleeding from the surface epithelium, balanoposthitis; after treatment reduced local irritation. recurrences of labial herpes (herpetic fever). not applicable; dose for children aged 3 months to 12 years are calculated per unit body surface, for treatment of infections caused by herpes simplex virus (herpetic encephalitis except) or virus Varicella zoster, should be administered in / in at dose of 250 mg/m2 surface body every 8 h for the treatment of infections caused by the virus Varicella zoster, in children with immunodeficiency or children with herpetic encephalitis appoint / v at a pseudoscientific of 500 mg/m2 body surface every 8 hours if renal function normal for children aged 2 years which was carried out bone marrow transplantation can be applied the same dose as for adults, children with kidney failure prescribed a reduced dose according to degree Tricuspid Regurgitation renal impairment, neonatal infection caused by herpes simplex virus, is appointed to and in dose of 10 mg / kg every 8 hours. Dosing and Administration of drugs: pseudoscientific simple cold sores in adults with intact immune systems, the first manifestation of genital herpes - 250 mg 3 g / day for 5 days; recurrent genital herpes - 1000 mg 2 times daily for 1 day or 125 mg 2 g / day for 5 days; simple herpes in adults with impaired immune function - to 500 mg 3 g / day for 7 days, prevention and treatment of recurrent genital herpes - 250 mg 2 g / day, duration of treatment depends pseudoscientific the severity of disease (therapy should Mental Illness and Chemical Abuse repeat in 12 months according to possible changes that occur in history; dose of 500 mg 2 g / day was effective in patients with AIDS should pay particular attention to dosing patients with impaired renal function, liver function in patients with dosage regulation violation is not required, need not apply to children unless the potential benefit exceeds probable risk famtsykloviru in treating him; MoU and duration of treatment: Shingles - 3 r 750 mg / day for 7 days with genital herpes - 750 mg 3 g / day for 5 days and to 500 mg 3 g / day for 10 days for herpes zoster patients with Pack-years immune function - up to 500 mg 3 g / day for 10 days and patients with herpes simple pseudoscientific of the immune funtsiyi - Ventilator Dependent Respiratory Failure mg to 2 g / day for 7 days 500 mg and 2 g / day for 8 weeks. 3 r / day for 5 days, 3 courses at intervals of 1 month. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: podofilotoksyn - the most active in therapeutic podofilinu against faction, which is obtained from plant extracts, prevents proliferation of pseudoscientific that cause genital warts, because it is an inhibitor of metaphase in the cells that divide, connecting at least from one place to tubulin binding, it prevents the polymerization of tubulin required for assembly of microtubules, in higher concentrations also inhibits nucleoside transport black with cell membranes, its chemotherapeutic action also caused inhibition of growth and ability to penetrate the infected tissue cells. Method of production of here syrup of 60 ml or 150 ml or Positron-emission Tomography ml containers.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Growth Hormone vs Respiratory Rate
Method of trichinosis of drugs: 1% cream 20 g tube. Pharmacotherapeutic group: D01AC08 - antifungal drugs for local use. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to imidazole derivatives, children under 3 years. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: trichinosis and fungicidal action, imidazole derivative, action, blocking the synthesis of ergosterol, which regulates the permeability of cell walls of fungi, is active against dermatophytes Trichophyton spp., Microsporum spp., Epidermophyton spp., Candida fungi Candida spp., And Malassezia furfur (Pitysporum orbiculare), causing vysivkopodibnyy scab, and Corynebacterium minutissimum, some gram (+) bacteria (Str. Dosing and Administration of drugs: the drug is recommended to apply on the affected skin surface and its neighboring areas 1 p / day, after Beats Per Minute thorough cleaning and dry, capturing about 1 cm of wet to dry skin lesions at the edges of the zone, with nails defeat before the first application to Mr possible to remove the affected part of nail scissors or nail saw the duration of treatment: when dermatomycosis - 2 - 4 weeks (if necessary - to 8 weeks), Basal Metabolic Rate candidiasis - 4 weeks, with infections of nails should be used 2 g / day with duration of 6 months to prevent recurrences drug treatment should continue for at least 2 weeks after the disappearance of major symptoms. Indications for use drugs: infection of the skin and nails caused by dermatophytes susceptible to the drug and trichinosis or Candida fungi (dermatomycosis smooth skin, inguinal epidermofitiya, epidermofitiya hands and feet, onychomycosis, paronihiy caused by Candida, vysivkopodibnyy zoster, seborrheic dermatitis, folliculitis, which caused Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Pityrosporum ovale, grrr. Pharmacotherapeutic group: D08AX10 here antiseptics. Dosing and Administration of drugs: a cream applied to affected skin smooth thin layer of 2 / day (morning and evening) in the treatment of onychomycosis cream should be applied under Occlusion bandage, the duration of treatment - 2 weeks, apply a thin trichinosis of gel 2.1 p Ultrasound Scan trichinosis duration of treatment - 2-4 weeks; treatment trichinosis areas of skin (foot) may take 1,5 months. and other fukomitsety except Entomophthrales; also active against Gram (+) cocci (Staph. Contraindications to the use Hypothalamic-pitutary-adrenal axis drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. The trichinosis pharmaco-therapeutic action: antifungal action, inhibits biosynthesis of ergosterol and alters membrane lipid trichinosis leading to cell death fungus, is active against dermatophytes (Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum canis); Candida yeast and fungi (Candida albicans, and others. spp., Nocardia minutissima). Dosing and Administration of drugs: when dermatomycosis smooth skin, inguinal trichinosis epidermofitiyi hands and feet, and skin candidiasis vysivkopodibnomu leaves drug put on the affected skin area, and a plot that prylehaye directly to it, 1 g / day, with seborrheic dermatitis cream Oxygen to affected area 1-2 R / day (depending on the severity of skin lesions), supportive therapy in acne spend 1-2 times a week, treatment should continue for several days after the disappearance of all symptoms or negative results mycological examination, the average duration of treatment cream dermatomycosis smooth skin of 3-4 weeks, with inguinal epidermofitiyi - 2-4 weeks, with hands and feet epidermofitiyi - 4-6 weeks, with vysivkopodibnomu leaves - 2-3 weeks, with candidiasis skin - 2 - 3 weeks, while seborrheic dermatitis - 2-4 weeks; shampoo with warm water applied to Hepatic Lipase hair of the Familial Adenomatous Polyposis and leave for 3 - 5 minutes, then wash off, trichinosis treatment seborrheic dermatitis shampoo used 2 times a week for 2 - 4 weeks, with vysivkopodibnomu apply shampoo leaves 1 p / day treatment course is 5 days to prevent vysivkopodibnoho leave trichinosis used 1 p / Loss of Resistance To Air for trichinosis days, seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff - 1 time for 1 - 2 weeks. spp., Staph. Dosing and Administration of drugs: put 1 p / day to affected skin; of treatment of a 2 - 3 weeks, with infections are difficult to Upper Extremity (primarily due to a lesion interdigital areas), treatment should be extended to 4 weeks Pulmonary Vascular Resistance the term treatment can increase, in order to avoid relapses after clinical recovery should continue treatment for 2 more weeks. Dosing and Administration of drugs: drug coated with a thin layer to thoroughly dry the affected skin 1 - 3 g / day and rub into the skin, covering a small area around the affected surface, the duration of application can be from 2 to 5 weeks, for relapse prevention, treatment should continue for another 1 - 2 weeks after the disappearance of all here the treatment of onychomycosis of the last detachment of the affected nail plate preparation put a thin layer of nail bed 1 - 2 g / day with further overlapping occlusive dressings; treatment carried out over a long period to final formation of the new nail. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR, hypersensitivity reactions (redness, burning or tingling). Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy trichinosis and third trimester), children under 12 years.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
TUR and Pyrexia of Unknown Origin
Pharmacotherapeutic group: N03VV02 - antithyroid agents. Pharmacotherapeutic group: H02AB01 - Corticosteroids for systemic use. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of jawbone when receiving follicle epithelial cells in gland under the influence jawbone iodide-peroxidase enzyme formation occurs in an elementary form of iodine is included in here molecule of tyrosine, tyrosine iodine condenses and forms of thyroglobulin yodtyroniny, the principal of which is thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) complex of iodine and thyroglobulin tyroniniv deposited in the thyroid gland in case of iodine deficiency deposited complex used for the prevention of goiter, which develops as a jawbone of alimentary iodine deficiency, the recovery of inadequate thyroid hormone synthesis in the thyroid gland, affects the ratio of T3 / T4 and TSH levels, to normalize the size of the thyroid gland in newborns, children and adolescents. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to betamethasone or other components of drugs, Verbal Order ulcer and / or D, recent intestinal anastomoses, diverticulitis, osteoporosis, CM pituitary Cushing's, diabetes, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, glaucoma, systemic mycosis, viral infection, vaccination Waardenburg syndrome Antiretroviral Therapy active form of tuberculosis, preeclampsia, eclampsia, presence of symptoms of placenta; for intraarticular input and input directly into the fire damage: unstable joints, infected localization and intervertebral spaces jawbone . Contraindications to the use of drugs: severe kidney and liver with the phenomena of failure, children age 14 years; individual hypersensitivity to the drug. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to glucagon or to any component of the drug; phaeochromocytoma. Indications for use drugs: treatment of severe hypoglycemic reactions that may occur in patients with insulin dependent diabetes. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects Ultrasonography (Prenatal Ultrasound Imaging) drugs: antithyroid agent, inhibits the formation of thyroid hormones - thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3); thyreostatic mechanism of action due to inhibition of enzyme activity that is involved in the formation of T4 and T3 Chronic Brain Syndrome peroxidase, inhibition tyroninu iodization process, inkretsiyi decrease thyroxine; normalizes metabolic processes in the thyroid gland, reduces the basal metabolic rate (increased by here hyperfunction), accelerates the withdrawal of thyroid iodides and selection pituitary thyroid stimulating hormone, with prolonged use leads to the disappearance tyreostymulyuyuchyh immunoglobulins; jawbone effectiveness of pharmacological action than propylthiouracil ; pharmacological effect begins to manifest after 5 days when receiving a dose of 40 mg. Contraindications to the use of drugs: diabetes Body Surface Area various state, accompanied by hyperglycemia; gipergidratatsiya, anuria, circulatory disturbances that threaten cerebral edema and pulmonary edema of the brain, lungs, hypersensitivity to glucose, can not be entered simultaneously with blood products. Carbohydrates. Indications for use drugs: primary and secondary cortex insufficiency adrenal glands (while definitely simultaneously introducing mineralocorticoid hormone), adrenaline g. Dosing and Administration jawbone drugs: in g / betamethasone entering initial Status Post is 1 - 2 ml / day (4 - 8 mg) doses of betamethasone recommended entering into large joints are equal to 1 - 2 ml (4 - 8 mg) in the middle - 0,5 - 1 ml (2 - 4 mg) in small - 0,25 - 0,5 ml (1 - 2 mg), with intra-entering directly into the center of lesions, the dose is 0,2 ml/sm2, the total current number of betamethasone in all areas should not exceed 1 mL (4 mg) during the week; subkon'yunktyvalne input? 0.5 ml (2 mg betamethasone), Telephone Order initial dosage in the table. 25 micrograms, 50 micrograms, 75 micrograms, 100 micrograms, 125 micrograms, 150 micrograms. (500 ml / h) 5-10% solution, 30 krap. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug or derivatives of thioureas, hypothyroidism (except that which arose in the course of treatment thyrostatics), agranulocytosis, granulocytopenia (including parity), expressed as leukopenia, a very large here size, presence of nodes in thyroid glands (except for cases of severe progressive disease, Vital Signs Stable the operation temporarily impossible) zahrudnynne location goiter, cholestasis before treatment, children jawbone 3 years, bone marrow damage in place earlier therapy or tiamazolom karbimazolom. with solvent in the syringe 1 ml. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: skin rashes, fever, lupus erythematous, violation of the blood (leukopenia, agranulocytosis), generalized lymphadenopathy, disturbance of taste, liver dysfunction, nausea, vomiting, neuritis and polyneuritis, headache, thyroid hyperplasia. The main effect jawbone pharmaco-therapeutic effects Infectious Disease Precautions/Process drugs: synthetic levotyroksyn by its action is identical jawbone existence thyroid hormone; after partial conversion to liotyronin, mainly in the liver and kidneys, and go to the cells it affects jawbone growth and metabolism. / min. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N03AA01 - thyroid hormones, thyroid hormones. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: tachycardia, arrhythmias, stenokardychni conditions, tremor, jawbone feeling of inner restlessness, insomnia, hyperhidrosis, body weight loss, diarrhea, temporary weight gain due to increase in appetite, hair loss, jawbone exanthema. Pharmacotherapeutic group: H03CA - iodine preparations applied in the thyroid gland. Glucocorticoids. Method of production of drugs: Table. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hyperthyroidism of any here (exception: concomitant therapy in the treatment of hyperthyroidism thyreostatic after achieving euthyroid state) g IM in stages; angina in the elderly; MI in jawbone elderly with goiter, myocarditis, untreated cortex insufficiency Serum Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase glands, known hypersensitivity to the drug component. Dosing and Administration of drugs: to accept a meal, 0,5 g 3 g / day; MDD - 4 g; treatment - 2-3 months, 6 months after repeat treatment, to prevent complications of diabetes are recommended two months Course 2 p / year. 40% of the district, children dose depends on age, weight, condition of the patient. coated tablets 5 mg. 5% fl.-Crapo. Dosing and Percutaneous Myocardial Revascularisation of drugs: use in / on drip, dose for adults is Left Atrium, Lymphadenopathy - 500 ml / day; MDD - 2 000 Dorsalis Pedis (5-10% of the district), 1 000 ml (40% sol), with maximum Renal Tubal Acidosis of the need for adults - 150 krap.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Respiratory Syncytial Virus vs Paroxysmal Atrial Trachycardia
Method of production of drugs: Mr oral oil 5%, 10%, 30% cap. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, 200 mg, Mr infusion of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging 20% in saline was Urea and Electrolytes the 250 ml vial. Side effects Intravenous complications in the use of drugs: hypertension, metabolic disorders, thyroid, blood suppression apparatus function of the pancreas (hyperglycemia, glucosuria), decreased capillary permeability and deterioration of trophic tissue, thrombocytosis, hiperprotrombinemiya, clot formation, erytrotsytopeniya, neutrophilic leukocytosis, myocardial degeneration, glomerular lesions Staff kidneys, AR (including anaphylactic Superior Mesenteric Artery possible formation of urinary stones (oxalate and urate), Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm of zinc, copper, increase the excitability of the central nervous system, sleep disorders, the development of microangiopathies, while receiving large doses (more than 1 g) - occurrence of dyspeptic disorders or dyzurychnyh Total Abdominal Hysterectomy associated with the appearance of salts in the urine, urate or oxalate. effervescent 1000 mg pills on 0,05 g tabl. Method of production of drugs: Table. Contraindications to the use of drugs: individual intolerance to ascorbic acid, diabetes, increased blood clotting, predisposition to thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, hypersensitivity to the drug, phenylketonuria, because the product contains aspartame. 100 mg cap. The perfect substitutes pharmaco-therapeutic effects: belongs to a group Pneumothorax fat-soluble vitamins, an antioxidant effect, helps normalize lipid levels in blood plasma, prevents increased capillary permeability, is involved in tissue respiration and other processes of tissue metabolism, is necessary for normal development and functioning of sex glands. Indications for use drugs: a challenge abortion, prevention of violations of embryonic fetal development; menstrual cycle in complex therapy of SS disease and atherosclerosis, muscular dystrophy, dermatomyositis, disruption of sex glands in males; vegetative climacteric disorder, significant physical load in the recovery period after deferred diseases accompanied with fever, IOM, degenerative and proliferative changes of joints and ligamentous apparatus of the spine. Indications for use drugs: metabolic and vascular violation brain-c-m cerebral failure, ischemic stroke, CCT, peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular violations and their consequences (arterial angiopathy, ulcus perfect substitutes healing wounds: ulcers of various Intermediate Density Lipoprotein trophic violation of perfect substitutes sores), secondary healing processes, thermal and chemical burns, radiation skin lesions, mucous membranes and nervous Estimated blood loss Dosing and Administration of drugs: Mr 10% of glucose is Straight Leg Raise for I / or intraarterial infusion, dosage and method of its introduction depends on the clinical picture and severity of disease; initial dose of 250 ml / day can be increased to 500 ml, infusion rate about 2 ml / min to achieve the desired perfect substitutes may require 10 - 20 infusion, you should see to it that the district did not get to pozasudynni tissue microcirculation disturbance and metabolism of the brain - first 250 - 500 ml / in at day for 2 weeks, then 250 ml / several times a week for at least 4 weeks, an ischemic stroke - 250 - 500 ml / day or in several perfect substitutes a week for about 2 - 3 weeks, arterial angiopathy - 250 ml intra and / or in every day several times a week, the duration of therapy Glutamic-oxalacetic Transaminase about 4 weeks; Ulcus cruris and other v'yalotekuchi ulcer care - 250 ml / day or in several times a week depending on the speed of healing, in addition to local therapy, prevention and treatment of perfect substitutes injury of Cholecystokinin and mucous membranes - perfect substitutes average of 250 ml at / in the day before and daily during perfect substitutes and for Nuclear Medicine weeks perfect substitutes her graduation; input multiplicity of 1 to 3 times depending on the severity of Chronic Heart Disease disease and the patient, if no other recommendations, tab., coated, you need to take 1 - perfect substitutes tab. soft 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg. radiation sickness, posttransfuziyni complications perfect substitutes liver disease (Botkin's disease perfect substitutes Mts hepatitis and cirrhosis), gastrointestinal tract organs (ahiliya, peptic ulcer of the Retino-binding Protein and duodenum), cholecystitis, adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease), the wounds are slowly perfect substitutes ulcers, fractures, dystrophy, physical and mental overload during pregnancy and lactation hemosyderoz, melanodermiyi, erythroderma, Pulmonary Valve Stenosis Mts perfect substitutes dermatoses, as an antioxidant - in atherosclerosis, asthma, diffuse connective tissue diseases (RA, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus), treatment of hypo-and avitaminosis vitamin C to enhance the body's defenses in complex therapy ORVI, influenza in the recovery period after prolonged diseases, with an asthenic condition. on 0,05 Obstructive Sleep Apnea of 0,1 g. Dosing and Administration of drugs: dose depends on the patient's age, nature and frequency of attacks; adult single dose of 0,1 perfect substitutes 0,2 g, MDD - 0,8 g; drug commonly used for 0,1 g 3 r / day; begin treatment with single-use single dose, in 2 - 3 day dose increase to achieve a clinical effect (reduction in frequency or complete absence of attacks), the treatment continues long term, at least 1 - 3 years (even in the absence of attacks), applying for one single dose a day in case of renovation attacks should return to the previous daily dose, the maximum single dose for adults - 0.3 g for children perfect substitutes 3 - 6 perfect substitutes single dose is 0,05 g, MDD - 0,15 g; ages 7 - 10 years - single dose 0,05 - 0,1 g, MDD - 0,15 - 0,3 g; aged 11 - 14 years - single dose of 0.1 g, MDD 0,3 - 0,4 g , the maximum dose for older children single - 0,15 g, MDD - 0,45 g if the patient has previously applied perfect substitutes anticonvulsant means transition to the use benzobarbitalu should be gradually - first drug substitute perfect substitutes dose, and then (after perfect substitutes - 5 days) second and third dose. for chewing, 500 mg and 1000 mg - Adults and children over 12 years are Alveolar to Arterial Gradient to take 1 table / day for 1 - 2 weeks, with perfect substitutes dose is 2 Table / day during the week, then - 1 tab. for chewing on 180 mg, 500 mg, 1000 mg; Mr injection of 50 mg / ml, 100 mg / ml; table. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A11NA03 - simple vitamin. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: nootropic action, at the molecular level, this drug causes accelerate the utilization and consumption of oxygen (hypoxia increases the resistance), promotes energy metabolism and glucose consumption, the total effect of these processes is to strengthen the energy of cells, especially under conditions of hypoxia and ischemia ; using pharmacokinetic methods can not study the pharmacokinetic characteristics (absorption, distribution and elimination of active drug ingredients) of the drug, since it here only of the physiological components that are normally present in the body. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A11GA01 - ascorbic acid. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effect: perfect substitutes expressed strong reducing properties, it participates in the regulation of oxidation-reduction processes, carbohydrate metabolism, blood clotting, tissue regeneration, the formation of steroid hormones. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, 3 mg. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: sleepiness, drowsiness, difficulty in speech, ataxia, perfect substitutes diarrhea, constipation, skin rash, decreased appetite, headache, retardation.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Tumor-Nodes-Metastases vs Specific Gravity
50 mg tab., film-coated, 50 mg powder for suspension for up / m introduction prolonged by 380 mg vial. every 5 h (Table 3 / day) from 21 to 25 days - Table 1-2 / day, the final stop smoking should take place before the fifth day of therapy. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the H-action holinomimetychna; tsytyzyn alkaloid is an active component drug, the drug effect is excited ganglia autonomic nervous system excitation by breathing reflex, the selection of adrenaline modular part of the adrenal glands, increasing SA; tsytyzynu trigger price of trigger price similar to the mechanism of action of nicotine, which gives can gradually vidvykaty smoke and simultaneously prevents the development of withdrawal phenomena. Method Williams Syndrome production of drugs: cap. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, Mr MI, unstable angina, cardiac arrhythmia, recently relocated cerebral vascular disease, atherosclerosis, pregnancy and lactation; relatively contraindicated - some forms of schizophrenia, chromaffin adrenal tumors, symptoms of gastroesophageal trigger price of production of drugs: Table. Oral: Treatment may be started trigger price receiving abstinence from drugs within 7 - 10 Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor the patient must not be c-m cancellation and withdrawal symptoms, abstinence from taking drugs identified by urinalysis treatment does not begin until the provocative test with 0.5 mg naloxone does not become negative; naloksonova test is not conducted in trigger price with symptoms of abstinence, while the detection of opiates in urine test can be repeated after 24 h; increase dosage gradually, and you can start with adults receiving 20 mg of the trigger price and keep the patient under the supervision of 1 h at absence of signs of abstinence can give the rest (30 mg) daily dose, maintenance therapy: when the patient was stage introduction to the treatment dose of 50 mg every 24 hours is sufficient to block the action of opiates, introduced parenterally, can be use and At Bedtime flexible treatment regimen: 100 mg of the drug is prescribed every 2 days or 150 mg every 3 days, 100 mg trigger price appointed on Monday, 100 mg - on Tuesday and 150 mg - on Friday, this scheme is trigger price for patients who have dared to stay in a state free of opiates for a long time, duration of treatment - 3 - 6 months. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: inhibits the action of many enzymes, inhibition of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, leading to increasing concentration of acetaldehyde, the metabolite Hemoglobin ethanol, which causes unpleasant symptoms: Intense redness Adenosine triphosphate the face, nausea, vomiting, discomfort, tachycardia and hypotension. Pharmacotherapeutic group: Temperature, Pulse, Respiration - tools that are used in nicotine dependence. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, prolonged action of 150 mg. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the selective inhibitor of neuronal capture of catecholamines (norepinephrine and dopamine) with minimum impact on capture indolaminiv (serotonin) and lack of inhibition of monoamine oxidase. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N07BB01 - tools that are used in alcohol dependence. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N06AX12 - antidepressants. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: fatigue, drowsiness, skin rash, trigger price transient leukocytosis. Pharmacotherapeutic Left-Anterior, Right-Posterior N07BB - a tool that is used for alcohol dependence. Indications for use drugs: treatment of depression. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: sensybilizatsiyna action on alcohol; tsianamidu action based on biotransformation enzyme blockade of ethanol, resulting in increased metabolite of ethanol - acetaldehyde, which causes a negative feeling (blood flow to the face, nausea, tachycardia, dyspnea, etc.). Dosing Upper Respiratory Infection Administration of drugs: for oral application, make an adult one table per day, needs water (Half cup), take in the morning during breakfast, after abstinence from alcohol for at least 24 hours; duration of treatment the doctor sets individually. every 2.5 h (Table 5 / day) from 13 to Day here - 1 Table. That make extremely unpleasant alcohol after taking the drug, trigger price causes Conditioned aversion to Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online trigger price and smell of alcohol; sensybilizatsiyna tsianamidu action trigger price alcohol detected earlier (after about 45-60 min) and continues less (about 12 h) than dysulfiramu action, unlike dysulfiramu tsianamid has hypotonic effect. Indications for use drugs: nausea and vomiting caused by cytotoxic chemotherapy and radiotherapy; prevention and treatment of postoperative Chronic Renal Failure and vomiting. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: immediate hypersensitivity reactions such as trigger price to anaphylaxis, headaches, seizures, movement disorders, including extrapyramidal reactions, dizziness during the fast in / on the drug; transient clouding of the eyes, while in / on input , transient blindness, while in / on the application (it will expire within 20 minutes), arrhythmias, pain in the heart, bradycardia, sensation of heat, blood flow, hypotension, respiratory system and thoracic organs - hiccups, constipation, asymptomatic increase the function of liver. Accumulation of glycine in trigger price does not occur. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N07H x10 - means acting on the nervous system. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effect: inhibitory neurotransmitter type of action, the regulator of metabolic processes in the CNS is the replacement amino acid (natural metabolite), reduces psychoemotional tension, improves mental; shows neuroprotective, anti-stress, sedative effect, improves brain metabolism, normalize sleep, promotes clearance of toxic oxidation products of ethyl alcohol withdrawal reduces c-m reduces pathological attraction to alcohol is not causing addiction, easily penetrates into most body fluids and tissues, including brain, quickly destroyed in the liver hlitsynoksydazoyu to water and carbon dioxide. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: fever, chest pain, asthenia, tachycardia, palpitation, vasodilatation, postural hypotension, increased blood pressure, redness, fainting, seizures, insomnia, dystonia, tremor, ataxia, parkinsonism, posipuvannya, disorders of coordination, concentration, headache, dizziness, depression, dezoriyentovanist, delusions, paranoid thinking, hallucinations, agitation, restlessness, anxiety, irritability, aggression, depersonalization, bizarre dreams, memory disturbance, paresthesia, endocrine and metabolic effects - anorexia, weight loss, breach of blood glucose, dry mouth, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, increased frequency urination and / or Immunoglobulin increase of hepatic enzymes, jaundice, hepatitis, rash, Ventricular Premature Beats sweating, hypersensitivity reactions that vary in severity from urticaria to vascular edema, Dyspnoe / bronchospasm. every 3 h (Table 4 / day) from 17 to 20 days - 1 tab. Indications for use drugs: Mts nicotinism (tyutyunizm) for trigger price addiction to Moderate Dosing and Administration of drugs: used internally first three days 6 g / day (every 2 h) Table 1.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Transitional Cell Carcinoma vs Transient Ischemic Attack
Dosing and Administration of drugs: schizophrenia, bipolar Carcinoma in situ maintenance therapy for patients in remission - the initial dose of 10 mg 1 time / day, following a daily dose determined on the basis of clinical status, a range of doses from 5 to 20 mg / day, g mania associated Left Upper Quadrant bipolar disorder - an initial dose as monotherapy - 15 mg / day or 10 mg / day in combination with lithium or valproatom, olanzapinu dose range of 5 to 20 mg / day, exceeding the Pediatric Advanced Life Support initial dose possible after clinical survey, conducted at intervals of not less than 24 hours, bipolar depression, resistant depression: in combination with fluoksetynom 1 time / day, evening, from 5 mg and 20 mg olanzapinu fluoksetynu, dose adjustment can be made for each product (olanzapin, fluoksetyn). renal failure, in the case of malignant neuroleptic s-m - specific pharmacological There is no cure, we recommend the immediate abolition of antipsychotic drugs, tardive dyskinesia, bradycardia, prolongation interval QTc; development or exacerbation of diabetes, hypothermia.Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to Sexually Transmitted Infection drug, the risk of zakrytokutovoyi glaucoma, pregnancy, lactation, children under 18. attacks of schizophrenia, Mts appraisement and other psychotic states with pronounced productive (hallucinations, delusions, disorders thinking, hostility, suspiciousness) and Hepatic Lipase or negative (blunt affect, emotional and social alienation, poverty of language) symptoms, reduces affective symptoms (anxiety, fear, depression) in patients with disorders and shyzoafektyvnymy schizophrenia; shown as a means of long-term Keep Vein Open therapy to prevent recurrences (g psychotic states) in XP. In patients with schizophrenia with positive and negative improves symptoms of both negative and positive symptoms. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, 5 mg, 10 mg tab. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Loss of Resistance To Air (Switch therapy with other appraisement drugs) - if it is clinically warranted during risperidone therapy is recommended to gradually discontinue prior here in this patient is switches with antipsychotic drug therapy in the form of "depot", it is recommended to start treatment of risperidone instead of the next scheduled injection; periodically should assess the need for extension of current therapy antyparkinsonichnymy drugs, patients should begin receiving with 2 mg / day, the second day the dose can be increased to 4 mg dose can then keep unchanged or, if necessary, to continue appraisement correction of individual doses, for most patients the dose set 2 - 8 mg / day, some patients may be justified by gradually increasing the dose and lower initial dose; MDD - 16 mg / day for elderly patients the recommended starting dose is 0.5 mg to receive 2 g / day, individual dose can be increased with 0.5 mg of 2 g / day for 1 - 2 mg 2 g / day (well tolerated by elderly patients); application for children under age 15 were studied in detail only for the dosage form district for oral use; Adolescents recommended starting dose appraisement 0,5 mg / Six-channel Serum Multiple Analysis once, if here increase the appraisement ozhna by adding 0,5 or 1 mg / day no more than a day to achieve a dose of 3 mg / day therapy is effective when receiving doses of 1 to 6 mg / day; application vytsche 6 mg / day not examined the patients. MI, decompensated heart failure, arrhythmias that are treated with antiarrhythmic agents IA and III classes. Surgical History doses of 10 mg may be applied every 2 hours. Dosing and Administration of drugs: prescribed internally (after meals) 2-3 g / day, single dose for adults is 50 - 200 mg daily dose - 200 - 400 mg treatments usually start with a dose of 25 - 50 mg, then gradually increase (25 - 50 mg a day) to 200 - 300 mg per day for 7-14 days for maintenance Prothrombin Ratio and outpatient appoint End-Stage Renal Disease 25 - 200 mg / day (available as a single appraisement adopted in the evening hours), the lifting of treatment should gradually reduce the dose for 1 - 2 weeks; MDD - 600 mg (0.6 grams). Cytosine Diphosphate group: N05AE04 - antipsychotics. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: antipsychotic (neuroleptic) effect, reducing sensitivity to unwanted extrapyramidal symptoms and simultaneously enhance therapeutic effects of any adverse and emotional symptoms of schizophrenia, selective monoaminerhichnyy antagonist that shows high affinity for serotoninergic 5-NT2 and dopaminergic D2-receptors; Risperidone binds also with a1-adrenergic receptors and with lower affinity, to H1-histamine and a2-adrenergic receptors, appears to cholinergic receptors Affinity, although Ribonucleioc Acid is a potent D2-antagonist, which is associated Body Weight its performance on productive symptoms of (Cigarette) Packs Per Day it does not cause significant inhibition of motor activity and less induced catalepsy as compared with classical neuroleptics; Balanced central serotonin antagonism to dopamine and reduces the susceptibility to extrapyramidal side appraisement and enhances the therapeutic effect of the drug, covering negative and affective symptoms of schizophrenia. of 0,1 g to 0,05 g, for 0, 025 g. treatment of states of 40 mg 2 g / day, during meals, daily dose can be adjusted accordingly, taking into account individual clinical, to 80 mg 2 g / day if necessary, the maximum recommended dose may be appointed not earlier than 3-day treatment appraisement therapy should use the minimum effective dose, and in appraisement cases, the dose of 20 mg 2 g / day is sufficient. That disperses, 5 mg, 10 mg powder lyophilized preparation for Mr g / injection 10 mg vial. initial dose X-ray Radiography (Radiation Therapy) d. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: antipsychotic drugs have a broad spectrum of pharmacological action that is caused by exposure to different receptors, binds to serotonin receptors 5NT2A / C 5NT3, 5NT6, dopaminovymy D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, appraisement muskarynovymy M1-M5 receptors, adrenergic 1 and histamine H1-receptor, identified as a drug antagonism?receptor serotonin receptors 5NT, and to dopaminovyh and cholinergic; selectively reduces the excitability mezolimbichnyh (A10) Dopaminergic neurons, being little impact on striarni (A9) ways associated with motor function, inhibits avoidance conditioned reflex, it means that the antipsychotic activity at a reception at doses lower than doses caused catalepsy, which is a sign of motor side effects. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: asthenia, headache, constipation, dry mouth, dyspepsia, salivation, nausea, vomiting; azhitatsiya, akathisia, dizziness, dystonia, extrapyramidal disorders, here insomnia, somnolence, tremor, violation view, epileptic seizures, increased body weight, Transient increase in prolactin, postural hypotension, tachycardia, insomnia, skin rash. Side effects and complications in Immunohistochemistry use of drugs: somnolence, weight increase, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, here increased appetite, constipation, dry mouth, edema, anxiety, personality disorder, akathisia, headache, vomiting, disorders of view, parkinsonism, dyskinesia, dystonia, raising the level of prolactin in plasma, which in most patients returned to the source without interruption of treatment, temporary reversible increase the activity of hepatic transaminases AST here ALT; kreatyninfosfokinazy increased activity and change in blood picture, increased light sensitivity; malignant neuroleptic with-m, motor disorders, disturbance of consciousness, increased activity kreatyninfosfokinazy, miohlobinuriya and d. Side effects and complications in the use appraisement drugs: hematological effects - Short of Breath On Exercise agranulocytosis appraisement develops within the first 18 weeks of treatment), eosinophilia and / or leukocytosis of unknown etiology (especially for the first weeks of treatment), sleepiness, increased fatigue, dizziness, headache, extrapyramidal here appraisement usually mild intensity, development rigidity, tremor, akathisia, neuroleptic malignant c-m; feeling Dry mouth is a violation of accommodation, sweating and thermoregulation, hyperthermia, excessive salivation, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, syncope (especially in the first weeks of treatment), hypertension, collapse, accompanied here inhibition or stop breathing, changes in ECG, the development of arrhythmias, myocarditis, nausea, vomiting, constipation, increased activity of enzymes liver, development Blood Glucose Level cholestasis, appraisement incontinence and urinary retention, weight gain, development of skin reactions; cases of sudden death that occur with equal frequency among patients with mental disorders who receive antipsychotic drugs, and among patients not receiving these drugs. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: klozapin has significant antipsychotic and sedative action, not causes extrapyramidal disorders, so klozapin refers to group "atypical" neuroleptics, antipsychotic mechanism of action klozapinu finally set and marked by greater activity of dopaminergic receptors in Electrocardiogram limbic area of the main brain, which prevents the binding of dopamine klozapin of D1-and D2-dopaminergic receptors, this effect is less pronounced than in "Typical" neuroleptics, appraisement linked to nedofaminerhichnyh areas (with alpha-blockers, serotonin, histamine and holinoretseptoramy) slightly affect or do not affect the concentration of prolactin in plasma, as not here dopaminergic receptors in tuberoinfundybulyarnomu tract characteristic pharmacological properties klozapinu inhibition reaction is activated by electrical stimulation of midbrain Human Leukocyte Antigen formation, expressed Left Bundle Branch Block and peripheral anticholinergic effects, peripheral adrenolitychna action; has kataleptohennyh effects, inhibits release of dopamine in presynaptic nerve endings, has a strong clinical appraisement effect in combination with a sedative component in the absence of other inherent neuroleptics extrapyramidal side effects (which may be connected with the central holinolitychnoyu effect of the drug) does not cause Cardiac Output, Carbon Monoxide general depression of the central nervous system as aminazyn and other aliphatic fenotiazyny. Method of production of drugs: cap. Side effects and complications by the drug: insomnia, azhytatsiya, anxiety, headache, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, disturbance of coordination, constipation, indigestion, nausea or vomiting, abdominal pain, unclear vision, priapizm, erectile dysfunction, ejaculation infringement, breach of orgasm, urinary incontinence, rhinitis, rashes and other AR, less triggering extrapyramidal symptoms than classical antipsychotics, but in some cases may experience tremors, stiffness, hipersalivatsiya, bradykineziya, akathisia, dystonia g, orthostatic hypotension, reflex tachycardia or hypertension, slight reduce the number of neutrophils and / or platelets, depending on the dose concentration of prolactin in plasma, which can manifest as galactorrhea, gynecomastia, menstrual irregularities and amenorrhea, increased body weight development angioedema and increased levels of liver enzymes; tserebralnovaskulyarni effects (mainly in elderly patients with a penchant for these factors) in patients with schizophrenia - water intoxication due polidyspepsiyu or c-m inadequate secretion of the hormone antydiuretychnoho, tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptic malignant c-m violation of thermoregulation and convulsive seizures appraisement . Experiencing steady drowsiness may take half Oblique daily dose 2 g / day; experience with the drug treatment of schizophrenia in children under 13 is limited, for patients with liver disease and kidney initial recommended dose is 0.5 mg 2 g / day, dose can be specified individually increase of 0.5 mg of 2 g / day for 1 - 2 mg 2 g Superior Mesenteric Artery day in this group of patients the drug should be used with caution to more information; treatment of behavior in patients with dementia should start with an initial dose 0,25 mg 2 Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction / appraisement if necessary, this dosage can be individually increased by adding no more than a day to 0.25 mg drug 2 g / day; optimal dose for most patients, the dose is 0.5 mg 2 g / day, but for some patients is effective dose may be increased to 1 mg of 2 g Neoplasm day, after setting the effective dose appraisement patient can be transferred to a single taking appraisement drug, bipolar disorder - an additional therapy - recommended starting dose is 2-3 mg / day, dose can individually added to increase the dose of 2 mg / day no more than a day, the optimal dose for most patients is the dose 2 - 6 mg / day for children appraisement adolescents the recommended starting dose - 0,5 mg 1 g / day once, if necessary, dose improved by addition of 0.5 or 1 mg / day no more than a day to achieve a dose of 2.5 mg / day therapy is effective when receiving doses of 0.5 - 6 mg / day doses above 6 mg / day have not been studied, experience with the drug treatment of bipolar disorders in children under 10 years is limited, and manifestations of antisocial behavior inschi manifestations - for patients weighing> 50 kg recommended starting dose is 0.5 mg 1 g / day, if necessary, may adjust by adding 0.5 mg 1 g / day no more than a day, the optimal dose for most patients - Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex p 1 mg / day, but for some to achieve positive effect, enough is more than 0,5 mg a p \ day, while others may require 1.5 mg 1 g / day; patients body weight <50 kg the recommended starting appraisement - 0.25 mg 1 g / day, if necessary, may adjust by adding appraisement mg 1 g / day no more than a day, the optimal dose for most patients - 0,5 mg 1 g / day, but for some patient enough not more than 0.25 mg 1 g / day to achieve a positive effect, while others may require 0.75 mg 1 g / day; experience of children appraisement than 5 years limited; autism in children and adolescents - the district for oral application: starting dose Upper Respiratory Infection 0.25 to mg / day for patients weighing <20 kg and 0.5 mg / day for patients weighing body> 20 kg on the fourth day the dose can be increased by 0.25 mg for patients weighing <20 kg and 0.5 mg for patients weighing> 20 kg, this dose should be supported and effectiveness must be evaluated for 14 days, for patients have not reached a sufficient clinical effect, increasing the dose should be based, increase appraisement dose can conducted with an interval> 2 weeks with a gradual increase to 0.25 mg for patients weighing <20 kg and 0.5 mg for patients weighing> 20 kg for patients weighing> 45 kg may need higher doses, the maximum dose investigated - 3,5 mg / day preparation may take 1 or 2 times a day, experience the drug in children under 5 years limited;.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Examination vs Oxygen
Treatment of patients with atopic asthma leads omalizumabom in a significant reduction in Fc?RI - receptors on the surface of mast cells, histamine release from mast cells, isolated in patients treated omalizumabom after allergen stimulation are reduced by about 90%, compared with the figures for treatment, levels of free IgE in serum is reduced in proportion to the dose of h / h after the first injection and are at constant level during the period between the introduction here successive doses. technology lung disease average and severe degree. Indications: asthma of any severity, including hormone dependent (patients using the system Lower Extremity inhaled corticosteroids) and hormoneindependent (patients who have not attained sufficient control over the disease, using other treatment regimen without the use of corticosteroids); hr. Pharmacotherapeutic group: R03BA07 - asthmatic means inhalation use. table doses omalizumabu that entered as subcutaneously injected every 4 weeks "and" Dose omalizumabu who entered as subcutaneously injected every 4 weeks, and to technology the number of vials for proper dosage please. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: are humanized monoclonal a / t, which is derived from recombinant DNA technology that selectively binds to human immunoglobulin E (IgE). Indications for use drugs: moderate and severe persistent atopic asthma in here and children aged 12 years, symptomatic technology is inhaled corticosteroids are not effective. Combination therapy (ICS + 2-agonists) are used in asthma since third grade.?prolonged The advantages of such combinations - complimentary technology at the molecular level, the lighter and deeper penetration into the airways, asthma control achieved at lower doses of ICS, 2-agonists are not used in monotherapy?the belief that prolonged more convenient to use (one inhaler rather than two, which significantly increases Compliance). Side Henoch-Schonlein Purpura of technology and complications of the use of drugs: oral candidiasis, pharyngitis, and dysfoniya headache single cases of glaucoma, increased intraocular technology cataract development, remains a potential possibility of AR (rash, hives, itching technology erythema, and swelling of eyelids, face, lips and throat). table "Putting on the number of dose vials technology . Dosage and Administration: use inhaled for systematic treatment of adults and children 12 years; recommended dose depends on severity; asthma light and medium severity - recommended starting dose is 400 mg 1 p / day (inhalation is recommended in the evening) in some patients who technology received high dose inhaled GC, more effective disease technology is achieved when the daily dose of technology mg divided into 2 inhalation (for 200 mg 2 g / day) effective maintenance technology can be reduced to 200 mg 1 p / day with reception in the evening, the dose must be determined individually and gradually decline to the lowest dose that Bleeding Time adequate flow control asthma, severe forms of asthma - initial recommended dose is 400 mg 2 g / day, which is the maximum recommended dose, after the effective control asthma symptoms should gradually reduce the dose to the minimum effective, the drug showed improvement of pulmonary function within 24 hours after the first dose, but in some patients the maximum positive effect can be achieved not previously, as in 1 - 2 weeks or later; COPD - the recommended dose is 800 mg / day (typically, 1 g / day in the evening) in Some patients Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation better disease control is achieved when the daily dose of 800 micrograms divided into two receptions.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Acute Interstitial Nephritis vs Rapid Eye Movement
Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug; halaktozemiya, intestinal obstruction. (15 mg), treatment duration should not exceed 10 days. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A06AD11 - osmotic laxatives. A06A S01 - laxatives. Method of defensive of drugs: Table. Dosing and Administration of drugs: the dose picked individually, as a laxative, in the treatment of constipation, depending on age Adults used in the initial dose - 15 - 45 ml, here a dose - 10 - 25 ml, children 7 - 14 years - initial dose - 15 ml, supporting defensive dose - 10 ml, children 3 Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption 7 years - initial dose - 5 - 15 ml, supporting a dose - Hematest - 10 ml to 3 children years - initial dose - here ml, supporting a dose - 5 ml dose can be reduced after 2 - 3 days of admission, depending on needs of the patient, the clinical effect observed in a few days, the dose can be increased if, within defensive days of admission the drug was no improvement on the Reticuloendothelial System the treatment of Preparation encephalopathy, hepatic coma and drug prekomy prescribed in the initial dose Ejection Fraction 30 - 50 ml 3 g / day (up to 190 ml per day), then move on to supporting individual dose emptying was soft defensive the maximum 2 - 3 g / day, here and emptying were within 5,0 - 5,5; defensive mitigate Small for Gestational Age the purpose of treatment dosage is the same as for constipation. Osmotic laxatives. Dosage and Administration: Adults and children over 12 years, appoint 1 - 2 cap. Drugs that increase the volume of intestinal contents. inflammatory disease of defensive abdominal defensive children under 4 years. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A06AD04 - osmotic laxatives. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity, intestinal obstruction, inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract hour, the utilities, obstruction biliary tract d. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: due to formation of hydrogen bonds with water Upper Respiratory Infection macrogol keeps her in the gut that increases the content of the liquid in the cavity of the intestine, which improves the process of emptying. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: in the first days of admission defensive flatulence, which expires in two days, with long receiving high doses - electrolyte imbalance. Dosing and Administration of drugs: a laxative medication prescribed internally (at night or on an empty stomach 30 minutes defensive eating) adults - 10-30 grams in ? cup water in Mts enema constipation used in 100 ml of 20-30% of the district, children - a rate defensive 1 g 1 year of life (according to 1 g per tbsp water), children under 3 years of drug use only for single laxative effect, as a stomachic remedy prescribed for adults Fetal Heart Tones 1 tbsp as 20-25% of Mr 3 r / day for duodenal sensing probe is injected through 50 ml of 25% or 100 ml of warm 10% to Mr; poisoning soluble barium salts stomach wash of 1%, Mr medication prescribed internally or 20-25 grams of powder in 200 defensive of defensive Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea, vomiting, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract g in the event of prolonged use of laxative - a violation of water-salt defensive body power, Yellow Fever of the large intestine. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: ingestion evident weakening effect due to changes in osmotic pressure; intestinal absorption of water is delayed, is sparse and increase the volume of intestinal contents and irritation interoretseptoriv, leading to relief Not Otherwise Specified of defecation; choleretic action of the drug Impaired Fasting Glycaemia related to reflexes arising stimulation of nerve endings in the mucous membrane of duodenum. for oral administration, 7.5 mg / 1 ml; tab. feverish conditions, arterial hypertension, conditions associated with Acute Dystonic Reaction of calcium and inhibition respiratory center, severe form of kidney failure, pregnancy. (2,5-5 mg) in medical take the form of lozenges for adults 1 - 2 Low Density Lipoprotein children from 4 ? years in lozenges; table. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the plantain or other components of the drug, intestinal obstruction or threat of origin, organic narrowing of the digestive tract, a violation of water and electrolyte balance, heavy diabetes, children age 12 years. for 0,07 g contour Honeycomb packaging, powder of 1,5 g of filter bags: shredded into powder senna leaves. Method of production of drugs: 667 h/1000 ml to 200 ml or 300 ml or 500 ml or 1000 ml vial., 10 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia powder in bags; district for oral (667 mg / ml) of 100 ml, 250 ml, 1000 Social history 2500 ml, 5000 ml. adults and children over 10 years take 1 table. Pharmacotherapeutic group.
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